Road to G20 Summit: Beyond Urban

Side-event in the framework of U20 2022

A collaboration between UNESCO Cities Platform and Indonesia Creative Cities Network
28-29 July 2022

With the aim to raise the awareness concerning climate resilience within the contexts of G20 priorities, UNESCO Cities Platform (UCP) and Indonesia Creative Cities Network (ICCN) host Beyond Urban, an event that will present the main substances of Urban Solutions and their concrete practices. Beyond Urban aims to come up with a document that will represent the commitment for UCP and ICCN members and networks in answering the challenges of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

This event is going to be held fully on line on Thursday and Friday, 28-29 July 2022, starts-ends 14.30-17.15 WIB (GMT+7) / 09.30-12.15 (GMT+2). Beyond Urban webinar comprises of 4 (four) sessions, each representing the main topic Climate Resilience and Action, and the G20 priorities Global Health Architecture, Digital Transformation, and Sustainable Energy Transition.


Day 1 - Thursday, 28 July 2022

Starts-Ends: 14.30-17.15 WIB (GMT+7) / 09.30-12.15 CEST (GMT+2)
Event Event Details Speakers

Opening Session
(25 mins)

Opening Remarks
Host: Ms Vinca Natasha
(Deputy Secretary of Marketing and Public Communication of Indonesia Creative Cities Network)

  • Deputy Director-General of UNESCO (Mr Xing Qu)
  • Ambassador/ Alternate Permanent Delegate of Indonesia to UNESCO (Mr Ismunandar)
  • Indonesia National Commission for UNESCO (KNIU)
    (Ms Itje Chodidjah: Executive Chairperson)
  • Indonesia Creative Cities Network (Mr Fiki Satari: Chairman)

Plenary 1 (60 mins)
Interactive Panel

Introduction: Climate Resilience and Action
Session Chair: Laura Prinsloo
(Focal Point of Jakarta, UNESCO Creative City of Literature)

This session covers the scope of the event, the initiatives and the objectives of Beyond Urban, in connection with G20 priorities and urban issues, particularly climate resilience and action.

  • How can local policy contribute to accelerating changes and actions?
  • What are the unique contributions of cultural and creative industries to the endeavor in addressing climate change?
  • UNESCO Creative Cities Network (Denise Bax: Head of Communications Cities and Events Unit)
  • City of Saint-Etienne (Ms Isabelle Vérilhac: Head of International Affairs and Innovation, BEDA President, Saint-Etienne UNESCO city of design coordinator)
  • Indonesia Creative Cities Network (Ms Tita Larasati: Deputy of Strategic Partnership)
  • Sounds of Green Project, Ambon (Mr Ronny Loppies: Focal Point of Ambon, UNESCO Creative City of Music)

Plenary 2 (60 mins)
Interactive Panel

Global Health Architecture
Session Chair: Ms Kenny Soselisa
(Deputy Director of Public Communication of Indonesia Creative Cities Network)

This session discusses how public health and related solutions and services can be conceived and delivered inclusively in urban areas, as well as how to address public health issues through modifiable environmental factors in cities.

  • How to raise awareness that ensures actions to address health issues caused by modifiable environmental factors?
  • What are the opportunities in cities, especially considering the “new normal” lifestyles in the post-COVID global context?
  • What are the defining factors that hinder inclusivity in public health and how to address it?
  • How could sharing of knowledge and information reinforce public health services in urban areas?
  • International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities
    (Mrs Linda Tonio: Assistant Programme Specialist)
  • City of Gwangju (Mr Gyonggu Shin: Executive Director at International Human Rights Training Center of Gwangju Metropolitan City)
  • Megacities Alliance for Water and Climate (Mr Simone Grego: Programme Specialist)
  • Greater Paris Sanitary Authority (Mr Joakim Giacomoni – Vincent: Director General - Public and International Affairs Administrator )
  • Indonesia Wellness Institute (Mr Paulus Mintarga: Chief of Indonesia Wellness Institute)
  • Samsara Living Museum, Karangasem, Bali (Mr Gus Agung Gunarthawa: Founder of Samsara Living Museum)

Closing of Day 1
(20 mins)

Closing remarks

  • U20 Co-Sherpa G20 2022 / West Java Regional Secretary (Mr Setiawan Wangsaatmaja)

Day 2 - Friday, 29 July 2022

Starts-Ends: 14.30-17.00 WIB (GMT+7) / 09.30-12.00 CEST (GMT+2)
Event Event Details Speakers

Plenary 3 (60 mins)
Interactive Panel

Digital Transformation
Session Chair: Mr Dias Satria
(Head of Banking and finance studies at University of Brawijaya)

This session revolves around digital transformation and climate resilience, especially on how digital technology and development transform cities and urban life across different urban aspects and inspire technology-empowered climate solutions.

  • How to mitigate the dilemma of digital transformation? (i.e. potential environmental impact, privacy issues and disinformation, etc.)
  • How to balance the interests of different sectors and stakeholders in order to advance digital transformation for mitigating and preventing disaster risks caused by climate change?
  • What are the key roles of cities in addressing mis- and dis-information on climate change?
  • Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (Ms América Bendito: Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Officer)
  • U-INSPIRE Indonesia (Mr Mizan Bisri: Head of U-INSPIRE Indonesia)
  • Media and Information Literacy Cities (Ms Hana Achargui: Consultant)
  • UNESCO MIL ALLIANCE for Latin America and the Caribbean (Mr Felipe Chibás Ortiz: Representative of University of São Paulo and UNESCO MIL ALLIANCE LAC Committee Media and Information Literacy Cities)
  • ICCN Solidarity Act - Rescue Task Force (Mr Greg Wuryanto: Lecturer of Architecture Department at Duta Wacana Christian University)
  • Web3 Task Force: Digital Literacy for Recovery and Impactful Growth (Mr Adrian Zakhary: Independent Commissioner of PTPN III)
  • SEZ Singhasari - Lokanima, East Java: Piloting CCI-based Circular Economy (Mr David Santoso: Technical Consultant at DXC Technology)

Plenary 4 (60 mins)
Interactive Panel

Sustainable Energy Transition
Session Chair: Mr Prananda Malasan
(Researcher at Bandung Institute of Technology)

This session focuses on the efforts towards net zero-emission through nature-based sustainable energy solutions, including lessons learned from local expertise and experiences.

  • How to efficiently integrate nature-based sustainable energy solutions into local policy and action plans?
  • What are the roles of your organization/city in increasing climate awareness, particularly related to energy issues?
  • What are the tools for cities to advance Sustainable Energy Transition while ensuring the protection of the world’s cultural and natural heritage?
  • UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (Mr Raul Valdez: Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies Programme,UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities)
  • City of Goyang (Mr Dong-hwan Lee: Mayor of Goyang)
  • World Heritage Cities Programme (Mrs Alba Zamarbide : World Heritage Cities Programme and Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) specialist)
  • Kultura Foundation (Mr Andre Dubari: Business Manager)
  • Placemaking: Regenerative Repurpose (Mr Handoko Hendroyono: CEO of MBloc Space)


Closing of the Event
(25 mins)

Closing Remarks
  • Presentation of “Beyond Urban”: outcome of the event
  • Closing remarks from G20 Sherpa
  • Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO (Mr Ernesto Ottone R.)
  • G20 Co-Sherpa (Mr Edi Prio Pambudi)